Thursday, September 27, 2007

i now have ibanking. yay. now i can join the hordes to click money away online.

and i can't believe victor tang is in the top 3 vocalists. it is bullshit. so much for live the dream. when you put voting into the hands of the audience, you're asking for nonsensical results as such.

cats in the cradle and beyond definition seemed to try and pull the wool over the judges' eyes. remash and remix? i think it's bullshit. bon jovi did a that version already. you spin me right round? some band already had a rock version of it already.

even fendi's remix was vaguely familiar.

pulling wool? more like pulling sheep.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the dictionary lists many definitions of the word 'sweet'. over 20.

my definition of sweet is a surprise mcdonald's delivery in the middle of the night to fulfill a sudden craving for beef.

thanks for the double cheeseburger meal babe, love you to bits.

and for those wondering, you can pay for mac's delivery with visa/mastercard with no surcharge.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

never assume that no one would steal a $2 laundry basket. mofo. i hope you get BO that never washes out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

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stress makes me do strange things.

sorry poh. it was too tempting.

*edit* picture from random ramblings @

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

been having fun with my new camera...wee! pictures in flickr.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

it is called a reading room. but some people do anything but reading inside...cb so noisy...quizzes coming...exams coming...argh!

sian half. B+ for IO. must be never OT enough.