Monday, April 30, 2007

back to back

finally...two papers down with two more left. seven papers gone by in a blaze. then again maybe not. it has been a tiring process. i miss home. my bed. my room. darling was sweet enough to come and visit me during this stressful period. she never fails to make me forget my worries.

morning paper was quite ok, should be able to pass. afternoon was hrm. which was basically one big smoke bomb. i really hope i don't fail it.

just a little longer...

Friday, April 27, 2007


the many empty seats was a gauge of its reputation. its great name has sent many into hiding. damn you ie. first paper of the sem to give me a shitty feeling. haiz...hope for the best, expect the worse. 4 more papers to ord.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

and men are from mars...

as promised.

  • has 2 tiny moons.
  • dead planet with no atmosphere.
  • has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. Bet the other planets are jealous. Then again maybe Mars just dua pao.
  • this volcano is located on top of this region called the Tharsis Bulge.

Monday, April 23, 2007 did the thingie on jac's blog.
You scored as Winter. You are WINTER. You're more introspective, thinking deeply, feeling deeply. You love nothing better than to enjoy one on one time with those who are important to you. You are cautious, and sometimes second guess yourself. Dreams, though you have them, are a luxury, because life is not a plaything.









What Season Are You?
created with like.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

men are from mars, women from venus

studying for my astronomy ge. if the planetary characteristics were to represent our gender characteristics, here's what my lecture notes says about venus.
  • thick cloudy atmosphere, cannot visually observe the planet's surface
  • active with tectonics and volcanism
  • searing heat
  • high pressure
  • frequent volcanic eruptions
  • clouds of sulphuric acid
and personal favourite, might be for most guys...
  • venus is the planet most like hell
i swear it's in my lecture notes. i'm sure the lecturer knows what hell is like. he's married. *cue laugh track*


7 hours of sleep and had water parade...but still tired...

Friday, April 20, 2007

have you ever had that feeling...

that you're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks? that's how i felt about some parts of my paper today.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

then again

in retrospect and with much afterthought, it's not about the room issue anymore. it's just and overwhelming feeling of disgust, disappointment and disbelief at the level of incompetence. i'm sure some will feel that they've done all they can, that everything is justified. i beg to differ. things shouldn't have reached a point where it was beyond control. it just shows how much about the job scopes these fine individuals know. once again, it all seems like just a joke. and yes, there's no doubt that i'm bitter.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


sorry is what you say when you're late in meeting someone. or when you accidentally bump into someone. it is NOT something to say to me when somehow my points for IH contribution do not show up when i'm applying for room, hence by the new fucking HAS system, condemning me to adopt a wait and see approach as to whether i will get a room or not. so much for hall contribution. i'm beginning to feel that people think JCRC is for fun. if any of you has no fucking idea of what you're supposed to do, just stay out of it. uni admin is doing fine in fucking up our lives enough already, don't fuck up other people's lives by giving them no room to stay.

pieces of shit.

it has begun.

the first ray of light hitting the rooftops mark the starting of the onslaught. against any foe, any enemy, we will march on. for some, it's the fight that matters, and others, the outcome. live to fight another day? that's not even an option for those marching on towards their final goal. it's do or die for these valiant, fearsome few. as for me, i hope to battle with such fervour even though it's not my time. But still, our time or not, we are all driven by the one same dream and wish....
hope don't da bao ah!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

phantom of the opera

went to see it with babe today. watched it before when it was staged at kallang theater. was a wee little boy then. the set and costumes looked pretty good. singing was so-so. a few of the audience were whispering speculations about how some of the cast weren't the originals but their understudys. i think the previous cast sang better. raoul sounded too nasal for me, takes away his macho facade. reminded me more of fran drescher in the nanny. with balls. sarah brightman was more powerful and convincing.

Monday, April 09, 2007


this morning, bro and i ordered macs breakfast after studying. a phone order operator with the pseudonym 'agnes' made my day by being refreshingly pleasant at six in the morning.

we ordered. delivery was prompt. but i swear that unless the customer is a girl, delivery boys will never deliver to your door. i swear i've only seen them at the even levels.

our delivery boy called and said he's at the carpark. i told him to meet me at the bottom of block 38, which was letting him off rather lightly since the pleasant agnes said that it shouln't be a problem with delivering to the room, given the time of the day. mr delivery boy told me that at it was night and won't be able to step into the hostel.

i held in every swear word going through my mind, and literally told him don't try and smoke me, i've been ordering macs for the past 2 weeks (yes darling, that's why i fat fat now) and they have at least delivered to the courtyard. he then agreed to meet at the bottom of the block.

maybe i should just update my customer profile to some female name so the delivery boy would at least attempt to be mccheehong and 'beo' the girl ordering macs. The next time these relak-one-corner boys throw me a McSmoke, i will throw it back and when they take the bait and deliver it to my room, perhaps i will give their mcnuggets a good kick.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

eat me...i won't hurt you...

pineapple tarts bro koped from home. buttery pastry. mmm
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"i make you fat? whoever told you that lie?"