Monday, August 28, 2006

Diet Sprite?

yes kids, it is sprite zero. another innovative product from the coca cola company. isn't it amazing how soft drinks can be void of fat and carbohydrate and yet have an energy value? if only tuh kar (pig trotters) can be so amazing. or why not have hokkien mee and char kway teow without the calories? i'm sure if chai tow kway was a carbonated drink flavour, it'd have zero calories. hell, it may even be good for you. i leave you with a quote from alvin:
"zero fat, zero protein, zero carbo, zero calories? zero taste.."
Disclaimer: this is not a flame, we've not tried it before, we're not slamming the taste, we're just passing lame comments.
p.s.: note that i've been disclaiming stuff, it's hard to joke when soft drink magnates and and other bodies of authority suffer the lack of a sense of humour.

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