Tuesday, November 28, 2006


it's over. i mc-ed my last paper. i couldn't take the pain anymore. doctor's words helped to calm my wild imagination. for a period i was beginning to speculate some sort of intestinal cancer or perforation or rabid colon. something.

it didn't help that the tutorials and past year papers were from a different planet. it didn't help
, ironically, that the coffee and tea helping me keep awake to study causes gastric pains. yup, something simple like gastric took me out. when the good doc told me that, i replied incredulously "you've got to be kidding me".

another thought hit me and i quizzed him, "but look at me, i am eating half the time, you sure it's gastric?" He said yeah, stress causes more gastric juices to be produced. and that was that.

overall, not particularly overjoyed. quite ambivalent about it. crappy way to end the exams. half of me feels like i should've just whacked, knowing i'll buang. the other half tells me i should fight the battle another day. besides if i mc today, i might get special consideration for my two papers yesterday. whatever.

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