Thursday, January 18, 2007

hell has begun

hrm has entered my life. welcome to hell. been to one lecture and it feels like shit already. in other news, bee choo wants me to write a letter as to why i took my curtains down to use my blinds. i'm not as patient as yehyang to type down an excerpt of the conversation but it sorta goes like this:

"why you take down your curtains? you want to take down must write a letter you know?"

"why must i write a letter? anything at all i just hang them back up? i took down the curtains coz they collect dust more easily and my nose is sensitive to dust."

"like that har...but why you want to take down your curtains? must write letter you know?"

take that whole conversation and repeat it at least five times. bloody hell. i will email them the next time i feed my fish. or shave my balls.

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