Thursday, January 25, 2007


do we always end up hating the things we love? not in a relationship context but just the things we do. if we could live life by our dreams and gifts, i think i'd be doing something musically related. yet i know, that if were to be in MEP last time, i would've hated it to the core.

i used to love science, math and physics. but now all this crap leaves nothing but a bad taste in my mouth. can passions be taken too far that they become a drudgery? i sit here pondering wtf i'm studying. it doesn't even really make sense to me

none of it does. i'm not happy doing this. the only things that keep me going are my other joys in life, mainly family, friends and loved ones. have you ever wondered what's the purpose of your life?

i'm still trying to find that answer, cause almost everything other than my personal life seems meaningless right now. going to be 25 and yet no

yes, the world holds many beautiful things, but in the end, if we stop and smell the roses, that often means that we're falling behind one way or another. and yet, if one has no money but sees beauty in everything, can he be truly happy?

how are you going to affect the world today?...makes me pensive...and a tad distraught.

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